Coo-coo for Coconut Oil

I’ve been using coconut oil (aggressively) for about a year now, and I still find new ways to reap its benefits.  Here’s my top ten list of uses for coconut oil:


  1. To cook eggs (whites for me) in. You won’t regret it.
  2. Cut up sweet potato, rub a bit of coconut oil on it, and bake. Delicious.
  3. To cook my protein pancake. Throw a bit on the pan and pour in the pancake mix (egg whites, oats, blueberries, and cinnamon). Heck, cook anything in it.  It’s healthy, smells amazing, and tastes delicious.
  4. Lip gloss. Yup. Lip gloss.
  5. Use a bit in your hair to smooth it out and style the ends.
  6. Leave-in conditioner. Rub a small amount mostly into the ends of your hair, comb through and leave in for about an hour before washing out. So silky and smooooothe.
  7. Use on the skin as a basic lotion.
  8. Popping popcorn! Instead of butter – coat the bottom of the pot with coconut oil  and add just enough kernels to make a single layer over the bottom of the pot.  Shake the pot up a bit, put over medium heat, cover and pop!
  9. Add a teaspoon to your coffee or tea.
  10.  Use it as a makeup remover, or on a sunburn, or even on your pets. It’s magic. Anything goes. Go crazy and enjoy!






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